First Name | Last Name | Supervisor 1 | Supervisor 2 | Research topic |
JoelÌý Ìý | Abraham | Pramod Koshy | Daniel Gregg | Pyrochlore Glass-Ceramic Wasteforms for Immobilising Nuclear Waste |
Nana KwabenaÌýÌý | Adomako | Sophie Primig | Nima Haghdadi |
In-situ characterisation of additively manufactured Ni-based superalloys |
¶Ù²¹²õ³ó³Ù²âÌýÌý | Akrawi | Paul Munroe | Ìý | Study of the Splat-substrate Interface for a NiCr Coating Plasma Sprayed on to Polished Aluminum and Stainless Steel Substrates |
PradeepÌý | Anandan | Tao Wu | Ìý | In search of Topological material with non-linear multiferroic functionality for low powered spintronic devices. The mutual control of the electricity and magnetism in single material has been an important part in the field of Material Science. |
AndrewsÌý | Ashong | Sean Li | Ìý | Thin film batteries and beyond |
AshrafulÌýÌý | Azam | Sean Li | Ìý | Novel Synthesis Route of Monodisperse Colloidal Tungsten Diselenide (WSe2) Quantum Dots for Optical Application |
Aurpa | Bhuiyan | Pramod Koshy | Ìý | Designing glass-ceramic wasteforms for actinide immobilisation through understanding of actinide crystal chemistry and structure |
Paul Clive | Bondin | Chris Sorrell |
Ìý | Analysis of the inks used in the printing of Malta postage stamps, 1860 - 1884 |
OwenÌý | Bowdler | Judith Hart |
Ìý | Investigation of Bismuth Ferrite for Organic Oxidation |
ZhijianÌýÌý | Cao | Rakesh Joshi |
Zi Gu |
Graphene oxide based membranes for water purification |
TaoÌýÌý | Cao | Nagarajan Valanoor |
Dewei Chu |
Self-assembly of Perovskite Oxide Nanomaterials for Non-volatile Memory Applications |
FandiÌýÌý | Chen | Rakesh Joshi |
Dewei Chu |
Development of graphene based printable electronics |
JiaruiÌýÌý | Chen | Jianqiang Zhang |
Ìý | Effect of temperature cycling on chromia-forming alloys in H2O/H2 gas atmosphere |
HongzheÌýÌý | Chen | Rakesh Joshi |
Ìý | Facilitated CO2 separation membranes containing graphene-based nanomaterial by modification |
Thibaul | Cosseron De Villenoisy | Pramod Koshy |
Judith Hart |
Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Photocatalytic Generation of Hydrogen |
HongjiÌýÌý | Cui | JianqiangÌý Zhang |
Ìý | High temperature corrosion of chromia-forming heat resisting alloys by multiple secondary oxidants |
ZekunÌýÌý | Dong | RakeshÌý Joshi |
DeweiÌý Chu |
Development of piezocatalytic on generating reactive oxygen species using manganese oxides |
JianhaoÌýÌý | Du | DanyangÌý Wang |
DeweiÌý Chu |
Triboelectric and piezoelectric hybrid generator |
ZiqingÌýÌý | Du | Lan-YunÌý Chang |
Ìý | Property-structure correlatoin of upconversion nanoparticles using advanced transmission electron microscopy |
RasimÌýÌý | Eris | Paul Munroe |
Ìý | Microstructural Development of NbMoTaW-(TixRe1-x) Refractory High-Entropy Alloy Thin Film Coatings |
JiaxinÌýÌý | Fan | SeanÌýLi | Ìý | Discovery of Novel Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis by Computational and Machine-Learning Methods |
JiajunÌýÌý | Fan | DeweiÌý Chu |
Zhaojun Han |
Stretchable strain sensor based on graphene materials |
Xinyue | Fan | SammyÌý Chan |
Pramod Koshy |
Carbon Nitride-based Nanomaterial for Solid State Hydrogen Storage Application |
XueqingÌýÌý | Fang | DanyangÌý Wang |
QiÌý Zhang |
Optimization of optical and electric properties of chemical solution deposition derived bismuth ferrite (BFO) thin films for photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) applications |
ZihengÌýÌý | Feng | DeweiÌý Chu |
TaoÌý Wan |
Flexible Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanowire based Nanomaterials for Self-powered Devices |
Zijian | Feng | DeweiÌý Chu |
Shuhua Peng |
Solution processed cobalt sulfide nanomaterials for energy storage application |
KristinaÌýÌý | Fidanovski | DamiaÌý Mawad |
OwenÌý Standard |
Self-doped organic electronics for the rehabilitation of cardiac muscle |
ModiÌýÌý | Gu | DamiaÌý Mawad |
Ìý | Design of conjugated polymers with a finite potential window |
RuiranÌýÌý | Guo | DanyangÌý Wang |
Ìý | Advanced Hydrogen Storage Materials Made by Carbon Nitride Nanotubes |
Michael Patrick | Haines | SophieÌý Primig |
Nima Haghdadi |
Understanding the Effects of Thermal-Mechanical cycling in Additive Manufacturing using Advanced Characterization Techniques |
MohsenÌýÌý | Hajian Foroushani | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Development of a sustainable, environmentally friendly, zero-waste approach in recycling of end-of-life batteries |
RazieÌýÌý | Hanafi | PaulÌý Munroe |
Ìý | Microstructure and properties of ternary nitride coatings. |
Md. AnikÌýÌý | Hasan | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Recovering carbonaceous material from plastic waste and recycling the spent batteries: Waste management and waste to wealth approach |
Xinyi | He | Sophie Primig |
Ìý | Phase Transformation and Deformation Mechanisms in Additively Manufactured Duplex Stainless Steels |
SepidehÌýÌý | Hemati | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Selective thermal transformation of automotive shredder residue (ASR) into high-value materials |
MehdiÌýÌý | Hourmand | PaulÌý Munroe |
Ìý | High entropy alloy coatings |
Yifan | Hu | Nagarajan Valanoor | Ìý | Development of CuS based catalyst for controlled syngas production |
QiuzheÌýÌý | Hu | RunyuÌý Yang |
Ìý | Numerical investigation of the role of electrostatic charge in airway deposition of aerosols |
BosiÌýÌý | Huang | JudithÌý Hart |
Ìý | Tungstate photoelectrodes for solar water splitting |
Chien-YuÌýÌý | Huang | TaoÌý Wu |
Ìý | High-performance environmentally friendly hybrid perovskite optoelectronics |
Yu-ChunÌýÌý | Huang | PramodÌý Koshy |
Danyang Wang |
Piezo-Photocatalysis over ferroelectric nanomaterials for hydrogen production |
Md SharifulÌýÌý | Islam | Kristopher Kilian |
JamieÌý Kruzic |
Force-mediated dynamic chemistry in hydrogels for tissue engineering |
Wenceslao | Jaimes Ocampo | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Use of Waste Plastic in Application of Steelmaking |
GaganÌý | Jalandhra | KristopherÌý Kilian |
Ìý | Vascularised Hydrogel Biomaterials for Dynamic Self-Healing |
DaliÌýÌý | Ji | RakeshÌý Joshi |
Ìý | Study on functionalization of 2D materials |
Jin | Jia | Michael Ferry |
Ìý | Passive Film Formation and its Effect on the Corrosion Resistance of Mg-Li Alloys |
YueÌýÌý | Jiang | Chris Sorrell |
Ìý | Development of non-plasmonic photocatalysts for dye degradation under UV light |
ChenluÌýÌý | Jiang | DanyangÌý Wang |
Ìý | Large electrostrain with low hysteresis in lead-free piezoelectric ceramics |
Jiyun | Kim | TaoÌý Wu |
Ìý | Charge Carrier Transport of All Inorganic Halide Perovskites Quantum Dots |
Yu-ChiehÌýÌý | Kuo | DeweiÌý Chu |
Ìý | Development of Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials for Rechargeable Batteries Applications |
AdedoyinÌý | Lasisi | SophieÌý Primig |
Ìý | Cold Metal Transfer-based Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing of Novel High-Performance Ti-Alloys |
Wen | Lee | Sean Li |
Ìý | Thermoelectric properties of CaMnO3. |
Honghao | Li | Sammy Chan |
PramodÌý Koshy |
Porous Silicon Materials for Hydrogen Storage Applications in Different Temperatures and Pressures |
YaoyuÌýÌý | Li | RunyuÌý Yang |
Ìý | Data-based modelling of industrial grinding processes |
Kang | Lin | KristopherÌý Kilian |
Ìý | 3D bioassembly for cardiac tissue engineering |
TongxiÌýÌý | Lin | RakeshÌý Joshi |
Ìý | Application of graphene-based nanocomposites in advanced electrochemical energy storage devices |
YangÌýÌý | Liu | Sean Li |
Ìý | Tailoring two-dimensional electron gas conductivity at oxide heterointerfaces |
ChaoÌýÌý | Liu | Guozhen Liu |
DeweiÌý Chu |
The bioassays for the detection of multiplex cytokines |
Yichen | Liu | Sean Li |
Ìý | Development of High Performance Thermoelectric Materials for Power Regeneration Applications |
XiaoyuÌýÌý | Liu | Rakesh Joshi |
Ìý | Chemical vapor deposition of 2D materials |
MichaelÌý | Lord | Nagarajan Valanoor | KirrilyÌý Rule |
Local chaos to long range order: Nanofabrication of magnetic high entropy oxide thin films for engineered spintronics. |
Yile | Lu | Nagarajan Valanoor | DeweiÌý Chu |
Development of Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials for Rechargeable Batteries Applications |
MING | LUO | SophieÌý Primig |
Ìý | Microstructure control during laser powder bed fusion of stainless steels |
King-FaÌýÌý | Luo | Nagarajan Valanoor | Lan-YunÌý Chang |
Nanoscale domain controlled phenomena in epitaxial ferroelectric films |
Hao | Luo | Danyang Wang |
Wenxian Li |
Development of functional high-entropy oxide (HEO) thin films for energy-related applications |
YongxinÌýÌý | Lyu | TaoÌýWu | Ìý | Halide perovskite synthesis and optoeelctronic devices |
FayekaÌýÌý | Mansura | Paul Munroe |
Ìý | Structure and Properties of Nitride-Based Coatings |
Shiyu | Mao | JianqiangÌý Zhang |
Ìý | High-temperature corrosion of alumina-forming alloys in CO2-rich environment |
LinghuiÌýÌý | Meng | DeweiÌý Chu |
TusharÌý Kumeria |
Development of Cobalt Sulfide Nanomaterials for Wearable Zinc Ion Battery Applications |
Marcus | Miljak | PramodÌý Koshy |
JoelÌý O'Dwyer |
Development of an Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction (EDXRD) analyser for quantitative mineralogical analysis and GEANT4 EDXRD modelling. |
Jie | Min | Dewei Chu |
Ìý | Computational Study of Giant Caloric Effects in Superionic Materials |
MaxwellÌý | Moyle | SophieÌý Primig |
Nima Haghdadi |
Advanced Characterization of the Additive Manufacturing of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel |
SofiaÌýÌý | Payel | Farshid Pahlevani | Veena Sahajwalla | Bio-waste activated carbon for heavy metal remediation from solar panel waste: Exploring unprecedented problems |
VinaÌý | Putra | KristopherÌý Kilian |
Ìý | Interdisciplinary Assessment of Cellular Health and Mechanoadaptation |
Md ZahidurÌýÌý | Rahaman | Tao Wu | Ìý | Tuning Two-Dimensional Toxic-Free Metal Halide Perovskite Material by Doping: Structure, Properties and Applications |
XiaojunÌýÌý | Ren | Rakesh Joshi |
Ìý | Graphene Oxide-based Membranes for Purification and Separation Applications |
Allen David | Russell | Paul Munroe |
Ìý | Wear behaviour of pumps used in the transport of mineral slurries |
Ayad Abdo Thabit | Saeed | Rona Chandrawati | TusharÌý Kumeria |
Porous photonic crystals-based optical sensors |
HosseinÌýÌý | Salehi | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Development of the recycling process for complex e-waste to produce value-added products |
MontajarÌýÌý | Sarkar | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Microrecycling of Lithium Ion Battery (LIB) by selective thermal transformation |
NeginÌýÌý | Sarmadi | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Selective transformation of waste as a source of valuable materials |
Sharon | Sasmita | SammyÌý Chan |
Pramod Koshy |
Porous Silicon Powder: A Potential Cost-Effective Hydrogen Storage Material |
Bernd | Schulz | SophieÌý Primig |
Ìý | Processing-structure-property relationship of forged Ni-based superalloys |
Bikesh | Shrestha Ghinangju | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Investigating the microrecycling technologies for waste plastic hybrid products and revealing the influence of materials properties on product performance |
HaoÌýÌý | Su | MichaelÌý Ferry |
Ìý | Effect of key alloying elements on the structure and properties of Mg-Li alloys |
MurrayÌý | Sullivan | Kevin Laws |
Michael Ferry |
Development of bio-metallic glass composites and methods for healthcare industry 5.0 |
YunlongÌýÌý | Sun | DanyangÌý Wang |
Ìý | Modulation of electrocaloric response through interface charges |
Nhi Thanh | Tra | Damia Mawad |
Ìý | Development of a biopolymer organic electrochemical transistor device with enhanced stem cell interface for tissue repair |
Yu-Fu | Tseng | PramodÌý Koshy |
Sajjad SeifiÌýMofarah | Transition metal oxides in Li-ion battery and supercapacitor |
Serap | Ubic | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Recycling precious metals from electronic waste |
SanjithÌýÌý | Udayakumar | Veena Sahajwalla | Ìý | Effect of production process and service condition on microstructure stability and its residual stress in high-carbon low-alloy steel |
Phung Nhu HaoÌýÌý | Vu | JohnÌý Daniels |
Ìý | Testing Net Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Production with Small-Angle X-ray Scattering |
Zi | Wang | RunyuÌý Yang |
Ìý | Numerical modelling of selective laser sintering of nanoparticles |
Fei | Wang | Rakesh Joshi |
Dipan Kundu |
Structure-property relationships in two-dimensional materials |
LeiÌýÌý | Wang | Jan Seidel |
Ìý | Proximity effects at ferroelectric surfaces and interfaces |
WenyuÌýÌý | Wang | Sean Li | Ìý | Integration of GaAs in a Silica Photonic Crystal Fibre Based on Lab-on-fibre Technology |
HuizhongÌýÌý | Wang | DanyangÌý Wang |
Ìý | Integration of Functional Oxides on Semiconductors for Nanoelectronic Applications |
HaoyuÌýÌý | Wang | DanyangÌý Wang |
Ìý | Ferroelectric and antiferroelectric ceramics for energy storage |
Wenxuan | Wang | Sean Li | Ìý | Development of High & Thermoelectric Materials for Power Regeneration Applications |
Yurui | Wang | RunyuÌý Yang |
Ìý | Characterisation of rheology of powders and its applications |
ZiyiÌýÌý | Wang | Sean Li | Ìý | Accelerated Physical Property Study of Crystalline Organic Semiconductors with Artificial Intelligence |
Jiacheng | Wang | Jianqiang Zhang |
Ìý | Effect of Water on Chromia-forming Alloy Corrosion |
QingÌýÌý | Wei | PaulÌý Munroe |
Ìý | Engineered biochar and the role of their redox and free radicals properties in plant growth promotion, soil functionality and microbial changes |
XinyueÌýÌý | Wen | RakeshÌý Joshi |
Ìý | Application of carbon-based 2D materials |
HaotianÌýÌý | Wen | Lan-YunÌý Chang |
Ìý | Fundamental Study of Optical Property-Structure Relationship of Fluorescent Nanodiamond using Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy |
CharlotteÌý | Wesley | Farshid Pahlevani | Veena Sahajwalla | Commercialisation of textile recycling in Metropolitan Sydney |
Vienna Chi Man | Wong | PramodÌý Koshy |
Chris Sorrell |
Development of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) for Extreme Environments in Energy, Space, and Defence Applications |
Jason | Wooi | NeerajÌý Sharma |
JudithÌý Hart |
Investigating underlying mechanisms of next-generation battery materials |
YangÌýÌý | Wu | Rakesh Joshi |
Ìý | Application of graphene-based membranes |
XutengÌýÌý | Xi | JianqiangÌý Zhang |
Ìý | Effects of deposits on hot corrosion of chromia-forming alloys |
YuwenÌýÌý | Xu | JanÌý Seidel |
Lan-Yun Chang |
Investigation of Topological Defects in Ferroic Materials |
Yifan | Xue | Sean Li | Ìý | Development of Lithium Lanthanum Titanate Solid Electrolytes for Lithium-ion-rechargeable Batteries |
Kaili | Xue | PramodÌý Koshy |
Chris Sorrell |
Morphological Engineering and Doping of Perovskite Oxides for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Systems |
YihanÌýÌý | Yan | Damia Mawad |
Ìý | Polarization and piezoelectric response of biopolymers |
Liang | Yang | JanÌý Seidel |
Ìý | Investigation of functional materials by scanning probe microscopy and optical measurements |
YuxiaoÌýÌý | Ye | Sean Li | Ìý | Porous Topography Dependence of Mechanical properties and Biological Responses for Stainless Steel Bioimplant Devices |
Michelle Lay Ying | Yeoh | PramodÌý Koshy |
Chris Sorrell |
Novel Sustainable Geopolymeric Products for disposal and storage of Nuclear Waste |
ZiqiÌýÌý | Yin | JackÌý Yang |
Sean Li | Machine learning yields a data-driven construction for perovskite |
Richard Chung Hee | Yong | JohnÌý Daniels |
Ìý | Magnetic resonance for the on-line quantitative measurement of minerals and substance detection |
YuhanÌýÌý | Zeng | Sean Li | Ìý | Size Dependent Electrocatalytic Behaviours of MoS2 Quantum Dots for hydrogen-evolution reaction |
Jiayi | Zhai | RakeshÌý Joshi |
Ìý | Fabrication of reduced Graphene oxide for membrane filtration purposes |
HaozeÌýÌý | Zhang | JanÌý Seidel |
Ìý | Study of ferroelectric domain walls near interfaces for oxide nanoelectronics |
ShuoÌýÌý | Zhang | DeweiÌý Chu |
Gang-DingÌý Peng |
Self-assembly of Perovskite Oxide Nanomaterials for Non-volatile Memory Applications |
Hao | Zhang | PramodÌý Koshy |
Ìý | Synthesis of Anti-Microbial Polymer-Nanostructured Composite Photocatalyst Coatings |
Zhe | Zhang | JianqiangÌý Zhang |
Ìý | The Effect of Water Vapour on Oxidation Behaviours of Ni-based Chromia-forming Alloys at High Temperatures |
XiaoranÌýÌý | Zheng | PramodÌý Koshy |
Sajjad Seifi Mofarah | Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Energy Storage Applications |
ZhenweiÌýÌý | Zheng | PaulÌý Munroe |
Ìý | Microstructure and properties of ternary nitride coatings |
LuÌýÌý | Zhou | DeweiÌý Chu |
ZhaojunÌý Han |
Development of Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials for Rechargeable Batteries Applications |
Zeheng | Zhou | KristopherÌý Kilian |
Ìý | Microgel matrices and mesenchymal stem cells - tumor cells interactions |
YanzheÌýÌý | Zhu | DeweiÌý Chu |
Ìý | Fabrication and Characterization of strain sensors |
QixuanÌýÌý | Zhu | RunyuÌý Yang |
Ìý | Numerical modelling of powder dynamics in high dose inhalers |
RenboÌýÌý | Zhu | DeweiÌý Chu |
Ìý | Ìý |
Yudong | Zou | RunyuÌýYan g |
Ìý | Modelling of particle breakage in high-pressure grinding rolls |